Artists unknown to us

On loan from  Stadtmuseum St. Pölten | Artists unknown to us |
On loan from Stadtmuseum St. Pölten | Artists unknown to us | © Klaus Pichler

These finds from the St. Pölten region are all from the Stadtmuseum. They are several thousand years old and provide evidence of the use of tools and materials for producing everyday items, cult objects, and jewelry during this period.

Iron scissors from a Celtic artisan’s cremation grave 
This form of iron scissors is still known today as sheep-shearing scissors. They date from the fourth-century BC and were excavated near Pottenbrunn. They are therefore around 2,400 years old. The scissors are evidence of an early knowledge of iron working, which was of high quality in this region. The function is simple: when the lower part is pressed together, the two blades slide over each other to cut materials such as hair—a precursor to today’s scissors.

Neolithic fragment of a female idol figure with perforation
This figurine, which appears to be female and is referred to as an idol figure, is around 6,000 years old. The torso—that is a human figure of which usually only the trunk remains—clearly shows two pronounced curves, identified as breasts. This type of figurine, which has been excavated at several sites in Lower Austria, was likely used for cultic rites and is thought to have been a symbol of fertility.

Neolithic stone axes
The approximately 6000-year-old tool fragments are evidence of the development of methods for working with materials such as stone, allowing them to be shaped into tools. In order to create a handle for the stone axe, a hole was drilled into the stone. This was a difficult process and occasionally the quite large opening would break the stone—grooves from the hole are still visible. Accordingly, only one ring would be drilled, where the inner part simply fell out without breaking the stone.

Neolithic flint cuttings
One of the most important discoveries of early humanity was making fire—it revolutionized all aspects of life, from nutrition to the possibilities of processing materials. Rubbing flints together creates sparks that can make fire.

Neolithic dentalia beads and spondylus shells
These grave finds were jewelry items. The dentalia beads are made from pieces of bone that have been worked to form small balls. They were likely used as a necklace for a child, given their diminutive size. The spondylus shells have been elaborately milled into the shape of spiny oysters. They were likely used as belt buckles.

Andreas Hoffer

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