Dream Journey - Poetry of DreamsPast event
Every Saturday and Sunday, as part of the dream.lab exhibition, dream journeys enable you to experience and actively try out a wide range of artistic approaches that engage all of your senses. The dream journeys include a tour of the current exhibition and an artistic workshop. During the exhibition period, you can experience the theme of dreams with all of your senses in the workshop. Every month we will focus on one sensory perception each weekend. You can find out which one it is and exactly what awaits you the workshop here every Monday.
This time:
For the exhibition dream.lab, artist Rivane Neuenschwander has selected the book Mari hi - the Dream Tree by author Hanna Limulja, a Yanomami myth for children. This and other works, for example by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Hannah Höch, Mira Lobe, Pam Muñoz Ryan and Michael Roher, open up the literary world of dreaming. Using surrealist methods such as the cadavre exquis, automatic writing or anagrams, the focus is on drawing, writing and design. You might even create your own dream books.
Ages 4–7
Duration 90 minutes
Meeting Point Foyer
* Tickets available through the webshop or at the ticket counter
* This workshop is offered for two different age groups