Th, 19. December 2024 15:00


Focus: Earth Colours

Past event

© Max Kropitz


The Kunstideenwerkstatt (art ideas workshop) is a co-creation forum open to all children outside of school and kindergarten. Here, the children help shape the KinderKunstLabor with their wishes, concerns, themes, and ideas. In addition to the Children’s Advisory Board, the Kunstideenwerkstatt is a central forum for co-creation at the KinderKunstLabor. We highlight the following questions: How do artists work? How is an exhibition created? What does art have to do with democracy? What is a lab and what can happen there?

This time:
Irena Rάček, artist and artistic director of the Lower Austrian Earth Colors Campaign, is visiting the KinderKunstLabor, which would like to get to know her and find out what you think about working with earth colours.
Irena Rάček has been working at the intersection of art and archaeology for many years and gives workshops on making paints from Lower Austrian soil.
We humans have been producing colour pigments directly from the soil for many thousands of years. Even the first cave paintings were made with earth colours.

In this workshop, you will experience ancient knowledge in a completely new way with all your senses.

- What does the soil have to do with our lives?
- Where do the colours in the soil come from and how can we “harvest” them?

The workshop is funded by the Landschaftsfond Niederösterreich as part of the “BODEN FÜR DICH” project.
All participants can take home a soil color bag with several jars of the colour pigments obtained in the project.

INFO: Please note that Franz Rybaczek will accompany us as a guest with his camera in this Kunstideenwerkstatt (art idea workshop) for documentation purposes.
He is active in the BIENE association (Soil, Bioenergy and Sustainability Network Lower Austria/EU), which developed the “Soilart” initiative in cooperation with the Lower Austrian provincial government and supports it internationally.
Of course, photos will only be taken if you and your parents agree to this.

Ages 6–12 years
Duration 90 minutes
Location Foyer
Registration required
Max. number of participants 15

*Admission free
*Parents are liable for their children
*Please take something to drink with you and wear clothes that you feel comfortable in and that you don't mind getting dirty

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