Lesestunde 0-117 years
Sa, 29. March 2025 15:30

Geschichten leben

Stories Come Alive
© Liebentritt


We can see the sky through the round window in the library’s ceiling, books peer out at us from the walls, and the roofline of the city is visible from the second window on the side. If you love reading (aloud) and stories, or like to tell them yourself, this is the right place for you. Helga Fuhs and Alois Stöckl are volunteers at the KinderKunstLabor. They take turns reading from various books for children and young adults—following our themes of art, dreams, spaces, and languages.

Weitere Termine

Lesestunde 0-117 years
Sa, 22. March 2025 15:30

Geschichten leben

Stories Come Alive


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