A yellow fabric is wrapped around a tree like a cocoon and passes behind a second one, on which a fabric with glittering sequins hangs. A hand peeks out of the cocoon.
Summer Workshop with Daniela Brasil (2021) | © Max Kropitz

Art for your birthday

Magic Moment at the KinderKunstLabor includes a tour of the current exhibition and an artistic workshop. The focus is on contemporary art themes, artistic material varieties, and aesthetic sensory experiences.

Workshop options

Duration 90 min. or 120 min.
Content Interactive exhibition tour & artistic workshop
Participants Max. 12 children

Inquiries & Bookings

Bookings are available from Tue–Fri from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and Sat from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Bookings on public holidays are available on request. On Tuesdays, the Magic Moment offering is only available without catering, since the Altoona is closed.

Please direct your inquiries to us by phone at 02742/41701 or (preferably) via the inquiry form:

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