The Children’s Advisory Board operates within various educational institutions. Comprised of entire school classes and kindergarten groups, it serves a key body for co-creation at the KinderKunstLabor. The children work on topics and ideas for the KinderKunstLabor in artistic workshops that take place during their class time.

Thanks to longstanding partnerships with schools, kindergartens, daycare and after-school care centres, it is possible to carry out comprehensive projects over an extended period of time. In this context, artists who work with the KinderKunstLabor provide insights into their work in workshops and talks on site.

In this respect, the Children’s Advisory Board represents a complex feedback mechanism, which allows diverse concerns and ideas to be taken into account and where the creative processes and imaginations of those involved can unfold. The results of the artistic work with the Children’s Advisory Board groups are incorporated into decision-making processes at the KinderKunstLabor. As a reflection and expression of children’s perspectives and opinions, they have great impact on the further development of the new institution’s programme.

Since 2018, artistic workshops have been held as part of lessons with four school classes and two kindergartens. They are moderated by Andreas Hoffer, curator at the KinderKunstLabor and the Kunsthalle Krems and former interim artistic director of the KinderKunstLabor.

Current Participating Institutions

  • Otto Glöckel Primary School, 2b from 2023/24, 19 children, Katrin Barta (since 2022)
  • Franz Jonas Primary School, 3c from 2023/24, 17 children, Madeleine Hofer (since 2022)
  • St. Pölten Sports Secondary School, 4d from 2023/24, 20 youth, Bernd Schneider (since 2020)
  • Lower Austria State Kindergarten Ratzersdorf, 25 children, Erika Wirtner (since 2020)
  • Lower Austria State Kindergarten, 19 children, Anita Schuster (since 2020)
  • Lower Austria State Kindergarten Lilienfeld, 17 children, Elke Gratzl (since 2024)
  • Lower Austria State Kindergarten Lettnergasse/Traisen, 13 children, Manuela Siedler-Fahrngruber (since 2024)
  • Lower Austria State Kindergarten Pottenbrunn, 25 children, Karin Kitz (since 2023)
  • Lower Austria State Kindergarten Dr. Rudolf Kirschläger Straße St. Pölten, 15 children, Barbara Erhabor (since 2023)

Children’s Advisory Board since 2019

Karte St. Pöltens, die eine Übersicht der Standorte der Kinderbeiratsklassen und Kindergärten zeigt
© KinderKunstLabor | Manuel Radde
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