Kunstideenwerkstatt (art ideas workshop)
The Kunstideenwerkstatt (art ideas workshop) is a co-creation body open to all children outside of school and kindergarten. Here, children help shape the KinderKunstLabor with their wishes, concerns, themes, and ideas. In addition to the children’s advisory board, the Kunstideenwerkstatt is a central body for co-creating the KinderKunstLabor. It focuses on the following questions: How do artists work? How is an exhibition created? What does art have to do with democracy? What is a lab and what can happen there? How does a museum communicate with its visitors?
Children contribute their views and perspectives and work with the KinderKunstLabor team on questions related to museum operations and current and planned exhibitions. Together we will test out and expand on educational formats, discuss the positioning of artworks, and develop printed materials and poster designs.
Pocedure & Dates
The Kunstideenwerkstatt (art ideas workshop) is for children between the ages of six and twelve. You can find the upcoming dates and where to register here. Participation is free of charge.
Art ideas workshop co-creators since 2021
Adrina Moazzen Safaei, Ajaat Inalova, Anfisa Samokhvalova, Anna Obermann, Arin Berk, Arvin Moazzen Safaei, Benjamin Kienzl, David Schreiner, Elisa Kienzl, Elisabeth Bammer, Emil Krug, Emilia Kromoser, Emilia Maria Bosch, Flora Pöcksteiner, Florian Kromoser, Jan Wegschneider, Josefine Kerl, Kaloyan Zenkl, Lilaf Majidaldin, Lukas Schreiner, Marjam Suliev, Marlene Ziervogel, Mobasher Yadgar, Mozaker Yadgar, Mudasar (Mudi) Alikhel, Rayan Niaganji, Ruiqi Wang, Vera Berger, Yusuf Kholidzada